A Continuous Denitration Process Using Chemical and Electrolytic Systems Accompanying the Precipitat
2013-03-21 14:29:56
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:电解
简要说明 : WMPG1000多通道恒电位仪/恒电流仪
This work has investigated an improvement for the usual batch denitration by formic acid. It studied several destruction characteristics of nitric acid and formic acid in a continuous denitration process newly suggest in this work which consisted of a continuous denitration by formic acid and a residual acid-electrolytic destruction system. Also, the precipitation behaviors of a few metal ions such as Mo, Zr, Nd, and Fe during the denitration were investigated. The continuous denitration by formic acid reached a steady state in 30 min and showed a dependency of the final acidity on the residence time of the feeding solution in the reaction. In a Ti...