The Electrochemical Properties of Li/S Cells with Various Electrolytes
2013-03-21 14:33:41
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:电池测试
简要说明 : WBCS3000多通道自动电池测试系统

Introduction  The lithium/sulfur cell was an extremely attractive redox couple because of high theoretical specific energy of 2600Wh/kg(1672mAh/g-sulfur), assuming complete reaction to the Li2S. The reduction process of Li/S battery with ether-based electrolyte could be divided into two regions based on the voltage profile;1,2 these are the first discharge region in the range of 2.4-2.1 Vand the second discharge region in the range of 2.1-1.5 V. The discharge curve of cell was similar as that using tetrohydrofuran (THF)-based electrolyte3. Most of Li-ion battery used carbonate-based electrolytes such as mixed ethylene carbonate(EC) and dimethylene carbonate (DMC) or propylene carbonate (PC) and DMC. However, electrochemical properties of Li/S cell with carbonate-based electrolyte have not been studied. In order to study electrochemical properties of Li/S batteries with various electrolytes such as etherbased system and carbonate-based system, we investigated the discharge curves and cycle properties.