Sustainable and efficient biohydrogen production via electrohydrogenesis
2013-03-21 14:07:08
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:燃料电池测试
简要说明 : WMPG1000多通道恒电位仪/恒电流仪

Hydrogen gas has tremendous potential as an environmentally acceptable energy carrier for vehicles, but most hydrogen is generated from nonrenewable fossil fuels such as natural gas. Here, we show that efficient and sustainable hydrogen production is possible from any type of biodegradable organic matter by electrohydrogenesis. In this process, protons and electrons released by exoelectrogenic bacteria in specially designed reactors (based on modifying microbial fuel cells) are catalyzed to form hydrogen gas through the addition of a small voltage to the circuit. By improving the materials and reactor architecture, hydrogen gas was produced at yields of 2.01